ARTEA only works with Divine. Your wishes, intent, emotions, goals and objectives are totally irrelevant to it. Yet, as custodian, you are a vital part of the very essence of its mission, your presence and participation is vital.
Whilst freely and willingly choosing to participate, you shall be protected and nurtured by the ARTEA energy, understanding and without any request or need for anything in return, you shall be blessed with unimaginable love and peace within yourself. Having the ARTEA close by you, you’ll feel it’s incredible presence.
People that are drawn to this ZoZeyko will understand that as the custodian they will be instrumental in the ultimate of what is yet to come. They choose to participate in the Collective!
ZoZeyko has only be assigned to a few, but world wide! Those Custodians will have or will receive clear life direction and will have the drive, desire, objective, intent and 'know how' to contribute to the health of our earth and humanitarian large scale projects, what ever they may be.